Darling Downs Rainfall
10–25mm, 95% chance of rain
10–20mm95%Warwick10–20mm, 95% chance of rain
15–25mm95%Goondiwindi15–25mm, 95% chance of rain
15–45mm95%Ipswich15–45mm, 95% chance of rain
10–25mm95%Miles10–25mm, 95% chance of rain
- Acland
- Adare
- Allan
- Allandale
- Allman Park Racecourse
- Allora
- Amberley
- Amiens
- Anduramba
- Anthony
- Applethorpe
- Aratula
- Ascot
- Ashwell
- Athol
- Atkinsons Dam
- Aubigny
- Auburn
- Avoca Vale
- Back Plains
- Baking Board
- Bald Rock Creek Campground
- Balgowan
- Ballandean
- Ballard
- Banks Creek
- Bapaume
- Barakula
- Bare Rock
- Barellan Point
- Baroondah
- Barramornie
- Basin Pocket
- Beebo
- Beelbee
- Bell
- Benarkin
- Benarkin North
- Berat
- Bergen
- Biarra
- Biddeston
- Billa Billa
- Birnam
- Birru
- Black Duck Creek
- Blackbutt
- Blackbutt North
- Blackbutt South
- Blacksoil
- Blackstone
- Blackswamp
- Blanchview
- Blantyre
- Blaxland
- Blenheim
- Blue Mountain Heights
- Bogandilla
- Bongeen
- Bonshaw
- Bony Mountain
- Boodua
- Boonah
- Boonah Airport
- Boonarga
- Boondandilla
- Booval
- Borallon
- Bowenville
- Braemore
- Braeside
- Branchview
- Brassall
- Bremer River-Bradfield Bridge
- Bremer River-Bundamba Creek Entrance
- Bremer River-Cribb Park Boat Ramp
- Bremer River-David Trumpy Bridge
- Bremer River-Devils Elbow
- Bremer River-Hancock Bridge
- Bremer River-Ipswich
- Bremer River-Ironpot Creek Entrance
- Bremer River-Mihi Creek Entrance
- Bremer River-Motor Boat Bend
- Bremer River-One Mile Bridge
- Bremer River-Sadliers Crossing Railway Bridge
- Bremer River-Sandy Creek Entrance
- Bremer River-Shapcott Park Canoe Ramp
- Bremer River-Tivoli Creek Entrance
- Bremer River-Warrego Highway Bridge
- Brigalow
- Brightview
- Bringalily
- Brisbane River-Bedwell Island
- Brisbane River-Bremer River Entrance
- Brisbane River-Burrows Gully Entrance
- Brisbane River-Colleges Crossing
- Brisbane River-Dalys Reach
- Brisbane River-Finlay Island
- Brisbane River-Karana Downs Boat Ramp
- Brisbane River-Moggill Ferry
- Brisbane River-Moggill Reach
- Brisbane West Wellcamp Airport
- Broadmere
- Broadwater
- Brookstead
- Broxburn
- Brush Creek
- Bryden
- Brymaroo
- Buaraba
- Buaraba South
- Budgee
- Bulli Creek
- Bunburra
- Bundamba
- Bundi
- Bungaban
- Bungunya
- Bunjurgen
- Bunya Mountains
- Bunya Park Racecourse
- Burncluith
- Burnett Creek
- Burra Burri
- Burrows Waterhole Campground
- Bybera
- Cabarlah
- Caboonbah
- Cadarga
- Caffey
- Calingunee
- Callandoon
- Calvert
- Cambooya
- Cameby
- Cameby Downs Mine
- Canaga
- Canning Creek
- Canningvale
- Cannon Creek
- Captains Mountain
- Carneys Creek
- Carpendale
- Castle Rock Campground
- Cattle Creek
- Cawdor
- Cecil Plains
- Cement Mills
- Centenary Heights
- Chances Plain
- Charlton
- Charlwood
- Cherry Creek
- Cherry Gully
- Chinchilla
- Chinchilla Airport
- Churchable
- Churchill
- Chuwar
- Clancys Campground
- Clarendon
- Clifford
- Clifford Gardens
- Clifford Park Racecourse
- Clifton
- Clifton Airport
- Clintonvale
- Clontarf
- Clumber
- Coal Creek
- Coalbank
- Coalfalls
- Cockatoo
- Coleyville
- Colinton
- College View
- Collingwood Park
- Columboola
- Condamine
- Condamine Farms
- Condamine Plains
- Connolly Dam
- Cooby Creek Reservoir
- Coochin
- Cooeeimbardi
- Coolana
- Coolmunda
- Coominya
- Coomrith
- Coorada
- Cooyar
- Cotswold Hills
- Cottonvale
- Coulson
- Cranley
- Cressbrook
- Cressbrook Creek
- Croftby
- Crossdale
- Crossroads Darling Downs
- Crowley Vale
- Crows Nest
- Crows Nest National Park Campground
- Cunningham
- Cutella
- Cypress Gardens
- Dalby
- Dalby Airport
- Dalcouth
- Dalveen
- Dalwogon
- Dandabah Campground
- Danderoo
- Darling Downs Zoo
- Darling Heights
- Darr Creek
- Daymar
- Deebing Heights
- Derrymore
- Deuchar
- Deverton
- Devon Park
- Diamondvale
- Dinmore
- Djuan
- Doctor Creek
- Domville
- Douglas
- Drayton
- Drayton North
- Drillham
- Drillham South
- Ducklo
- Dugandan
- Dulacca
- Dulacca Airport
- Dundas
- Dunmore
- Durah
- Durikai
- East Cooyar
- East Greenmount
- East Haldon
- East Ipswich
- East Toowoomba
- Eastern Heights
- Ebbw Vale
- Ebenezer
- Egypt
- Elbow Valley
- Ellangowan
- Ellinthorp
- Elphinstone
- Emu Creek
- Emu Creek Campground
- Emu Vale
- England Creek
- Esk
- Eskdale
- Eukey
- Eurombah
- Evanslea
- Evergreen
- Fairney View
- Fairyland
- Fassifern
- Fassifern Valley
- Felton
- Felton South
- Fernvale
- Fifteen Mile
- Finnie
- Flagstone Creek
- Fletcher
- Fleurbaix
- Flinders View
- Flinton
- Fordsdale
- Forest Hill
- Forest Ridge
- Forest Springs
- Formartin
- Frazerview
- Freestone
- Frenches Creek
- Frog Buttress Campground
- Fulham
- Gatton
- Gatton College
- Gatton Racecourse
- Geham
- Ghinghinda
- Gibinbell
- Girraween
- Gladfield
- Glamorgan Vale
- Glebe
- Glen Aplin
- Glen Cairn
- Glen Esk
- Glen Niven
- Glen Rock National Park
- Glenarbon
- Glenaubyn
- Glenaven
- Glencoe
- Glengallan
- Glenhaughton
- Glenlyon
- Glenlyon Dam
- Glenmorgan
- Glenore Grove
- Glenvale
- Goldfields
- Goodar
- Googa Creek
- Goolman
- Goombi
- Goombungee
- Goomburra
- Goondiwindi
- Goondiwindi Airport
- Goranba
- Gore
- Gowrie Junction
- Gowrie Little Plain
- Gowrie Mountain
- Gradule
- Grandchester
- Grantham
- Grapetree
- Grassdale
- Grays Gate
- Greenlands
- Greenmount
- Greenswamp
- Greenup
- Greenwood
- Gregors Creek
- Gregory
- Greymare
- Groomsville
- Grosmont
- Guluguba
- Gunbarwood
- Gurulmundi
- Gwambegwine
- Haden
- Haigslea
- Halliford
- Hampstead
- Hampton
- Hannaford
- Harlaxton
- Harlin
- Harristown
- Harrisville
- Hatton Vale
- Hazeldean
- Headington Hill
- Helidon
- Helidon Spa
- Hendon
- Highfields
- Highgrove
- Highland Plains
- Hirstglen
- Hodgson Vale
- Hookswood
- Hopeland
- Hornet Bank
- Hoya
- Inglestone
- Inglewood
- Inglewood Forest
- Ingoldsby
- Inverai
- Inverramsay
- Ipswich
- Ipswich Greyhound Racing Club
- Ipswich Turf Club
- Iredale
- Ironbark
- Irongate
- Irvingdale
- Isla Gorge Campground
- Ivory Creek
- Jackson North
- Jandowae
- Jeebropilly
- Jimbour
- Jimbour East
- Jimbour West
- Jinghi
- Jondaryan
- Jones Gully
- Junabee
- Junction View
- Kahlers Oasis Caravan Park
- Kaimkillenbun
- Kalbar
- Karalee
- Karana Downs
- Karara
- Karrabin
- Kearneys Spring
- Kelvinhaugh
- Kensington Grove
- Kents Lagoon
- Kents Pocket
- Kentville
- Kholo
- Kilbirnie
- Killarney
- Kincora
- Kindon
- Kings Creek
- Kings Siding
- Kingsthorpe
- Kinnoul
- Kioma
- Kital
- Kleinton
- Kogan
- Kogan Creek Coal Mine
- Kooralgin
- Kooroongarra
- Kowguran
- Kragra
- Kulgun
- Kulpi
- Kumbarilla
- Kurrowah
- Kurumbul
- Kyoomba
- Laidley
- Laidley Creek Falls Bush Camping Area
- Laidley Creek West
- Laidley Heights
- Laidley North
- Laidley South
- Lake Broadwater Campground
- Lake Clarendon
- Lake Cressbrook
- Lake Dyer
- Lake Manchester
- Lake Maroon
- Lake Murphy Bush Camping Area
- Lake Somerset
- Lake Wivenhoe
- Lanefield
- Langlands
- Lark Hill
- Lavelle
- Lawes
- Lefthand Branch
- Leichhardt
- Lemontree
- Leslie
- Leslie Dam
- Leyburn
- Lilydale
- Lilyvale
- Limestone Ridges
- Limevale
- Linthorpe
- Linville
- Lizard Point Campground
- Loamside
- Loch Lomond
- Lockrose
- Lockyer
- Lockyer Waters
- Lower Cressbrook
- Lower Mount Walker
- Lower Tenthill
- Lowood
- Lundavra
- Lynford
- Lyra
- Ma Ma Creek
- Macalister
- Maclagan
- Maidenhead
- Maidenwell
- Malabar
- Malling
- Malu
- Manapouri
- Manna Gum Campground
- Marburg
- Marmadua
- Maryvale
- Massie
- Meandarra
- Meandu Creek Dam
- Meandu Mine
- Meringandan
- Meringandan West
- Merritts Creek
- Merryvale
- Middle Ridge
- Milbong
- Miles
- Miles Airport
- Milford
- Millmerran
- Millmerran Airport
- Millmerran Downs
- Millmerran Woods
- Millwood
- Milora
- Minden
- Mingoola
- Missen Flat
- Mocattas Corner
- Montrose
- Montrose Warwick
- Moogerah
- Moogerah Dam
- Moola
- Moombra
- Moonie
- Moorang
- Moore
- Moores Pocket
- Mooroobie
- Moraby
- Morgan Park
- Morgan Park Raceway
- Morton Vale
- Morwincha
- Mosquito Creek
- Motley
- Mount Alford
- Mount Asplenium
- Mount Beppo
- Mount Berryman
- Mount Binga
- Mount Colliery
- Mount Cordeaux
- Mount Crosby
- Mount Crosby Peak
- Mount Darry
- Mount Edwards
- Mount Edwards Peak
- Mount Emlyn
- Mount Forbes
- Mount French
- Mount French Peak
- Mount Greville
- Mount Hallen
- Mount Huntley
- Mount Irving
- Mount Kent
- Mount Kynoch
- Mount Lofty
- Mount Luke
- Mount Marrow
- Mount Marshall
- Mount Mitchell
- Mount Molar
- Mount Moon
- Mount Moriah
- Mount Mort
- Mount Rascal
- Mount Roberts
- Mount Sibley
- Mount Stanley
- Mount Steamer
- Mount Sturt
- Mount Superbus
- Mount Sylvia
- Mount Tabor
- Mount Tarampa
- Mount Tully
- Mount Tyson
- Mount Walker
- Mount Walker West
- Mount Whitestone
- Mountain Camp
- Mowbullan
- Muirlea
- Muldu
- Mulgowie
- Munbilla
- Muniganeen
- Murphys Creek
- Murrays Bridge
- Murrumba
- Mutdapilly
- Myall Park
- Mywybilla
- Nandi
- Nangram
- Nangwee
- Nara
- Narko
- Neumgna
- Nevilton
- New Acland Coal Mine
- New Chum
- New Oakleigh Mine
- Newtown
- Newtown Ipswich
- Nobby
- North Booval
- North Branch
- North Branch Main Range
- North Bungunya
- North Ipswich
- North Maclagan
- North Talwood
- North Tivoli
- North Toowoomba
- Norwin
- Nundubbermere
- Nundubbermere Falls Campground
- Nutgrove
- Palgrave
- Palmtree
- Pampas
- Passchendaele
- Patrick Estate
- Peak Crossing
- Pechey
- Peek-A-Doo
- Pelham
- Pelican
- Peranga
- Perseverance
- Perseverance Creek Dam
- Pierces Creek
- Pikedale
- Pikes Creek
- Pilton
- Pimpimbudgee
- Pine Hills
- Pine Mountain
- Pinelands
- Pirrinuan
- Pittsworth
- Pittsworth Airport
- Placid Hills
- Plainby
- Plainland
- Pony Hills
- Poplar Flat Campground
- Postmans Ridge
- Pozieres
- Pratten
- Prenzlau
- Preston
- Prince Henry Heights
- Punchs Creek
- Purga
- Purrawunda
- RAAF Amberley
- Raceview
- Radford
- Ramsay
- Rangemore
- Ranges Bridge
- Rangeville
- Ravensbourne
- Red Hill
- Red Rock Gorge Campground
- Redbank Creek
- Redwood
- Reedy Waterhole Campground
- Regency Downs
- Rifle Range
- Ringwood
- Ripley
- Riverton
- Riverview
- Roadvale
- Roche Creek
- Rockmount
- Rockside
- Rockville
- Rocky Creek
- Rodgers Creek
- Ropeley
- Rosalie Plains
- Rosehill
- Rosenthal Heights
- Rosevale
- Rosewood
- Rossvale
- Ryeford
- Rywung
- Sabine
- Sadliers Crossing
- Sandy Camp
- Scrub Creek
- Scrubby Mountain
- Seventeen Mile
- Severnlea
- Silkstone
- Silver Ridge
- Silver Spur
- Silverdale
- Silverleigh
- Silverwood
- Sladevale
- Smithlea
- Somerset Dam
- Somme
- South Branch Bush Camping Area
- South Ripley
- South Talwood
- South Toowoomba
- Southbrook
- Southwood
- Spicers Gap Campground
- Spicers Peak
- Split Yard Creek
- Spring Bluff
- Spring Creek
- Spring Creek Clifton
- Spring Creek Taroom
- Springdale
- Springside
- Springvale
- Squaretop
- St Aubyn
- St Helens
- St Ruth
- Stanthorpe
- Stanthorpe Aerodrome
- Starkvale Bush Camping Area
- Steamer Creek Bush Camping Area
- Stern Bush Camping Area
- Stockyard
- Stonehenge
- Stoneleigh
- Storm King
- Sugarloaf
- Summerholm
- Sundown
- Sunnyside
- Swan Creek
- Swanbank
- Swanfels
- Talgai
- Tallegalla
- Talwood
- Tangkam
- Tannymorel
- Tara
- Tara Airport
- Tarampa
- Tarawera
- Tarome
- Taroom
- Taroom Airport
- Taylor
- Templin
- Terrica
- Teviotville
- Texas
- Thagoona
- Thane
- Thanes Creek
- The Bluff
- The Bluff Rosewood
- The Broadwater Campground
- The Falls
- The Glen
- The Gums
- The Head
- The Hermitage
- The Pines
- The Summit
- The University of Queensland Ipswich
- Thorndale
- Thornton
- Thornville
- Thulimbah
- Tipton
- Tivoli
- Toobeah
- Toogoolawah
- Toolburra
- Toowoomba
- Toowoomba Airport
- Toowoomba Garden City Holiday Park
- Toowoomba Village Fair
- Toowoomba West
- Top Camp
- Torrington
- Townson
- Tregony
- Tuckerang
- Tummaville
- Turallin
- Twin Hills Mine
- Umbiram
- Undulla
- University of Southern Queensland Toowoomba
- Upper Cooyar Creek
- Upper Flagstone
- Upper Freestone
- Upper Lockyer
- Upper Pilton
- Upper Pinelands
- Upper Tenthill
- Upper Wheatvale
- Upper Yarraman
- Waikola
- Wainui
- Wallaces Creek
- Wallangarra
- Walloon
- Wandoan
- Wanora
- Warra
- Warrill View
- Warroo
- Warwick
- Warwick Airport
- Watsons Crossing
- Wattle Ridge
- Watts Bridge Airport
- Weengallon
- Weir River
- Wellcamp
- Weranga
- West Haldon
- West Ipswich
- West Prairie
- Westbrook
- Westcott Campground
- Western Creek
- Westmar
- Wheatvale
- Whetstone
- Whichello
- White Mountain
- Wieambilla
- Wildash
- Wilga Bush Camping Area
- Willowbank
- Willowbank Raceway
- Willowvale
- Wilsons Peak
- Wilsons Plains
- Wilsonton
- Wilsonton Heights
- Winwill
- Withcott
- Wivenhoe Dam
- Wivenhoe Hill
- Wivenhoe Pocket
- Wiyarra
- Woleebee
- Womina
- Wondalli
- Woodbine
- Woodend
- Woodlands
- Woodleigh
- Woolmer
- Woolooman
- Woolshed
- Woondul
- Wulkuraka
- Wutul
- Wyaga
- Wyalla Plaza
- Wyaralong
- Wyberba
- Wychie
- Wyreema