Katherine Rainfall
1–10mm, 65% chance of rain
< 2mm40%Borroloola< 2mm, 40% chance of rain
< 1mm30%Victoria River< 1mm, 30% chance of rain
- Baines
- Bamyili Airport
- Barranyi North Island
- Barunga
- Beswick
- Beswick Creek
- Big Horse Creek Campground
- Binjari
- Birdum
- Birrindudu Airport
- Black Islet
- Borroloola
- Borroloola Airport
- Bradshaw
- Brown Islet
- Buchanan
- Bullita Homestead Campground
- Bullo River Valley Airport
- Bulman Weemol
- Butterfly Falls Campground
- Calvert
- Cape Crawford Airport
- Central Arnhern Plateau
- Centre Island
- Charles Darwin University Katherine
- Clarke Bay
- Clump Island
- Cossack
- Craufurd Islet
- Daguragu
- Daly Waters
- Daly Waters Airport
- David Islet
- Delamere
- Delamere Range Facility Airport
- Djarrung Campground
- Drovers Rest Campground
- Dunmarra
- Kalkarindji
- Kalkurung Airport
- Katherine
- Katherine East
- Katherine Gorge Airport
- Katherine Gorge Campground
- Katherine Holiday Park
- Katherine South
- Keep River Entrance
- Keyling Inlet
- Kildurk Airport
- King Ash Bay
- Kirkimbie Station Airport
- Lajamanu
- Lansdowne
- Larrimah
- Legune Airport
- Limbunya Station Airport
- Limestone Gorge Campground
- Limmen
- Limmen Bight Fishing Camp
- Limmen Bight River Campground
- Little Island
- Mallapunyah Springs Airport
- Manbulloo
- Maranboy
- Mataranka
- McArthur
- McArthur River Mine
- McArthur River Mine Airport
- Miniyeri
- Mount Sanford Station Airport
- Mud Bay Campground
- Munbililla Campground
- RAAF Tindal
- Red Islet
- Redbank Mine
- Redbank Mine Airport
- Riyinbirr Island
- Robinson River
- Rocky Island
- Roper Bar Airport
- Roper Valley
- South West Island
- Southern Lost City Campground
- Spring Creek Yard Campground
- Stevens Rocks
- Sturt Plateau
- Sullivan Campground
- Timber Creek
- Timber Creek Airport
- Tindal
- Top Humbert Yard Campground
- Top Springs
- Towns River Crossing Campground
- Turtle Islet
- Turtle Point
- Vanderlin Island
- Venn
- Victoria River
- Victoria River Downs
- Victoria River Downs Airport
- Victoria River Mouth