New England and North West Slopes Rainfall
< 1mm, 10% chance of rain
< 1mm20%Inverell< 1mm, 20% chance of rain
< 1mm35%Glen Innes< 1mm, 35% chance of rain
< 1mm30%Armidale< 1mm, 30% chance of rain
< 1mm10%Tamworth< 1mm, 10% chance of rain
< 1mm15%Narrabri< 1mm, 15% chance of rain
< 1mm10%Gunnedah< 1mm, 10% chance of rain
- Aberdeen
- Aberfoyle
- Abington
- Acacia Creek
- Acacia Park
- Acacia Plateau
- Amosfield
- Appleby
- Apsley Falls Campground
- Ardglen
- Arding
- Argyle
- Armidale
- Armidale Airport
- Armidale Racecourse
- Ashford
- Ashford Airport
- Ashley
- Atholwood
- Attunga
- Auburn Vale
- Baan Baa
- Back Creek
- Back Creek Donnybrook
- Backwater
- Bakers Creek
- Balala
- Bald Blair
- Bald Nob
- Bald Rock Campground
- Baldersleigh
- Balfours Peak
- Bangheet
- Banoon
- Barney Downs
- Barokee Campground
- Barraba
- Barraba Airport
- Barry
- Bassendean
- Bective
- Bellata
- Bellbird Campground
- Ben Lomond
- Ben Venue
- Bendemeer
- Berrigal
- Big Jacks Creek
- Billyrimba
- Bingara
- Biniguy
- Bithramere
- Black Mountain
- Black Swamp
- Blackville
- Blackville Airport
- Blatherarm Campground
- Blue Nobby
- Blue Vale
- Bluff Rock
- Boggabilla
- Boggabri
- Boggabri Airport
- Boggabri Coal Mine
- Bohena Creek
- Bolivia
- Bona Vista
- Bonshaw
- Bookookoorara
- Boolcarroll
- Boomi
- Boomi Airport
- Boonal
- Boonoo Boonoo
- Boorolong
- Boorook
- Borah Creek
- Borambil
- Boundary Falls Campground
- Bowling Alley Point
- Braefield
- Branga Plains
- Breeza
- Briarbrook
- Brockley
- Brodies Plains
- Brushy Creek
- Bryans Gap
- Budds Mare Campground
- Bukkulla
- Bullarah
- Bullawa Creek
- Bulyeroi
- Bundarra
- Bundella
- Bungulla
- Bushy Mountain
- Calala
- Camerons Creek
- Camp Creek
- Capoompeta
- Caroda
- Caroona
- Carrai
- Carroll
- Carroll Gap
- Carrolls Creek
- Castle Doyle
- Cattle Creek
- Chaffey Dam
- Cherry Tree Hill
- Chilcotts Creek
- Clive
- Cobbadah
- Colly Blue
- Collymongle Airport
- Commissioners Waters
- Coolatai
- Coombadjha Campground
- Coomoo Coomoo
- Copeton
- Couradda
- Coxs Creek Campground
- Crooble
- Croppa Creek
- Cullendore
- Curlewis
- Currabubula
- Cuttabri
- Cypress-Pine Campground
- Dangars Gorge Campground
- Dangarsleigh
- Daruka
- Dawsons Spring Campground
- Deepwater
- Delungra
- Diehard
- Dinoga
- Donald Creek
- Drake
- Drake Village
- Drildool
- Dumaresq
- Dumaresq Valley
- Duncans Creek
- Dundee
- Dungowan
- Dunmore Manila Airport
- Duri
- Duval
- Garah
- Garoo
- Garthowen
- Georges Creek
- Ghoolendaadi
- Gibraltar Range
- Gidley
- Gilgai
- Gineroi
- Glen Elgin
- Glen Innes
- Glen Innes Airport
- Glen Innes Racecourse
- Glencoe
- Goonoo Goonoo
- Gostwyck
- Gowrie
- Gragin
- Graman
- Grattai Mountain
- Gravesend
- Green Hills
- Greenbah Airport
- Greenbah Airstrip
- Gulf Creek
- Gum Flat
- Gum Hole Campground
- Gundamulda
- Gunnedah
- Gunnedah Airport
- Gunnedah Racecourse
- Gunnendah Greyhound Track
- Gurley
- Guyra
- Gwabegar
- Inverell
- Inverell Airport
- Inverell North Airport
- Inverell Racecourse
- Inverell Research Centre
- Invergowrie
- Ironbark
- Kangaroo Flat
- Kaputar
- Keepit
- Keera
- Kellys Plains
- Kelvin
- Kentucky
- Kentucky South
- Kings Plain Creek Campground
- Kings Plains
- Kingsgate
- Kingstown
- Kingswood
- Klori
- Kookabookra
- Kootingal
- Koreelah
- Koreelah Creek Campground
- Lake Copeton
- Lake Goran
- Lake Keepit Airport
- Lambs Valley
- Leechs Gully
- Legume
- Lemon Tree Flat Campground
- Limbri
- Limestone
- Lindesay
- Liston
- Little Jacks Creek
- Little Plain
- Llangothlin
- Long Plain
- Long Point Campground
- Longarm
- Loomberah
- Lower Acacia Creek
- Lower Creek
- Lyndhurst
- Macdonalds Creek
- Madgwick
- Mallowa
- Malpas Reservoir
- Manilla
- Mann River Campground
- Maryland
- Marys Mount
- Matheson
- Maules Creek
- Maybole
- Mayvale
- Meermaul
- Merah North
- Mihi
- Millie
- Milroy
- Mingoola
- Moggs Swamp
- Mole River
- Moogem
- Moona Plains
- Moonbi
- Mooraback Campground
- Moore Creek
- Moree
- Moree Airport
- Moree East
- Moree Race Club
- Morven
- Mount Dowe
- Mount Duval
- Mount Gaspard
- Mount Kaputar
- Mount Lindesay
- Mount Mackenzie
- Mount Mitchell
- Mount Ningadhun
- Mount Russell
- Mulla Creek
- Mullaley
- Mungindi
- Mungindi Airport
- Myall Creek
- Myall Creek Campground
- Namoi River
- Narrabri
- Narrabri Airport
- Narrabri Mine
- Narrabri West
- Native Dog Campground
- Nemingha
- New Country Swamp Campground
- New Koreelah
- New Mexico
- New Valley
- Newling
- Newstead
- Niangala
- North Hill
- North Star
- North Tamworth
- Nowendoc
- Nowley
- Nullamanna
- Nundle
- Pallal
- Pallamallawa
- Paradise
- Paradise Tourist Park
- Parraweena
- Piallamore
- Piallaway
- Pindari Lake
- Pindaroi
- Pine Ridge
- Pinkett
- Premer
- Pretty Gully
- Puddledock
- Pyes Creek
- Rangari
- Rangers Valley
- Red Hill
- Red Range
- Reddestone
- Retreat
- Riverside Campground
- Rivertree
- Riverview
- Rob Roy
- Rocglen Mine
- Rocky Creek
- Rocky Creek Torrington
- Rocky River
- Rocky River Malara
- Rocky River Northern Tablelands
- Round Mountain
- Ruby Creek
- Rushes Creek
- Salisbury Plains
- Sandy Flat
- Sandy Hill
- Sapphire
- Saumarez
- Saumarez Ponds
- Shannon Vale
- Silent Grove
- Somerton
- Soudan Heights
- South Guyra
- South Hill
- South Tamworth
- Split Rock Reservoir
- Spring Mountain
- Spring Plains
- Spring Ridge
- Stanborough
- Stannifer
- Stannum
- Steinbrook
- Stonehenge
- Sunnyside
- Swan Vale
- Swanbrook
- Tambar Springs
- Tambar Springs Airport
- Taminda
- Tamworth
- Tamworth Airport
- Tamworth Jockey Club
- Tarban
- Tareelaroi Weir
- Tarrawonga Coal Mine
- Tarriaro
- Tent Hill
- Tenterden
- Tenterfield
- Terry Hie Hie
- Thalaba
- Thalgarrah
- The Barracks Campground
- The Basin
- The Gulf
- The Pilliga
- The Pines Campground
- Thirloene
- Tia Falls Campground
- Tilbuster
- Timbarra
- Timbumburi
- Tingha
- Tintinhull
- Torrington
- Torryburn
- Tubbamurra
- Tulloona
- Tungsten
- Turrawan
- Twin Rivers
- Undercliffe
- University of New England Armidale
- Upper Bingara
- Upper Horton
- Upper Horton Wyl Airport
- Upper Manilla
- Upper Yarrowitch
- Uralla
- Walcha
- Walcha Airport
- Walcha Racecourse
- Walcha Road
- Wallabadah
- Wallamore
- Wallangra
- Wandera
- Wandsworth
- Wards Mistake
- Warialda
- Warialda Airport
- Warialda Rail
- Warrabah
- Warrabah Campground
- Warrah
- Warrah Creek
- Warrah Ridge
- Warral
- Watsons Creek
- Weabonga
- Wean
- Wee Waa
- Wee Waa Airport
- Weemelah
- Wellingrove
- Wellington Vale
- Werris Creek
- Werris Creek Mine
- West Armidale
- West Tamworth
- Westdale
- Willala
- Willow Tree
- Willsons Downfall
- Wimborne
- Windy
- Winton
- Wollomombi
- Wollomombi Campground
- Wollun
- Wongo Creek
- Wongwibinda
- Woodside
- Woodsreef
- Woodstock
- Woolbrook
- Woolomin
- Wylie Creek